Pentax CR Pumps

Surface Mounted Threaded Centrifugal Pumps

Fitted With Hidromatic Electronic Flow Control

Pentax CR Series High Flow Low Pressure Centrifugal Pumps 50HZ Pdf
PDF – 258.5 KB 29 downloads
Pentax Hidromatic H2 Electronic Flow Control Pdf
PDF – 769.0 KB 39 downloads

Pentax CR Series Pumps High Flow Low Pressure Centrifugal Pumps 

Medium delivery centrifugal pumps for small and medium agricultural applications. Open impeller which allows small solid items to pass through (Ø max 10 mm.). 

Hidromatic 2 Electronic Flow Control

Automatic working pressure systems build up with CR series threaded high flow low pressure centrifugal pumps. Each set is ready for installation is made by a pump and a Hidromatic H2 pump controller which is a complete replacement of the traditional water system set consisting of a pressure switch and tank. The control of the pump is started after a pressure decrease (taps opening) and stopping when the water flow is interrupted at the maximum pressure level of the pump (taps closing). Protection against dry running.

Construction Features

Pump body - cast iron 

Motor bracket - cast iron

Impeller - noryl or brass

Seal - ceramic-graphite-NBR

Pump shaft end - steel AISI 416

Ambient temperature - 0 - 50 °C noryl impeller 0 - 90 °C brass impeller 

Pump body gasket - max 6 bar 


2 poles induction motor - 3~ 230/400V-50Hz 1~ 230V-50Hz with thermal protection 

Insulation class - F

Protection degree - IPX4


For prices and specifications click on models below

Pentax CR75M Pump Fitted With Hidromatic Flow Control 230v 250 Lpm 15 Hm

H222 X W170 X L308
LM/HM - 250/15
1 1/2" Inlet
1 1/4" Outlet
kW - 0.8

Pentax CR100M Pump Fitted With Hidromatic Flow Control 230v 300 Lpm 21 Hm

H222 X W170 X L308
LM/HM - 300/21
1 1/2" Inlet
1 1/4" Outlet
kW - 0.75